
टीन प्रेगनेंसी का विषय जिस पर लड़कियों को बोलने का हक क्यों नहीं ?

टीन प्रेगनेंसी का विषय : भारत एक ऐसा देश है जहाँ आपको कई सभ्यताएं धर्म व भाषा देखने को मिलती है, एक ऐसा देश जो रोज नए मुकाम हासिल कर रहा है जिसे देख पूरा विश्व भी भारत देश की सराहना करता है, लेकिन वहीं आकाश जितना ऊँचा है पाताल उतना ही गहरा ,जहाँ अच्छाई है वहाँ बुराई भी। ‘हर सिक्के के दो पहलू होते है।’ आज हमारा भारत प्रगति की ओर बढ़ रहा है पर एक विकासशील देश से विकसित देश बनने की लिए देश में हो रहे कार्यो के साथ ही साथ एक और मुख्य चीज़ है, वह है – व्यक्ति की सोच, बात अगर सोच के मामले की करे तो भारत अभी इस मामले काफी पीछे है। आज समाज में कई ऐसे विषय है जिन पर लोग बात करने से डरते जिनमें से अगर औरतों की बात की जाए तो कहीं न कही आज भी औरतों को दबाया जाता है। उन्हें अपनी बातें, अपनी तकलीफे खुल के बोलने व सामने रखने का भी हक नहीं है। कई विषयों पर लोग बात करना पसंद नहीं करते जिनमें से एक है : टीन प्रेगनेंसी  जब एक लड़की उम्र से पहले ही प्रेग्नेंट हो जाती है, चाहे व नासमझी में व जाने-अनजाने गलती में ही क्यों न हुआ हो लेकिन वो उस कठिन समय में भी किसी के सामने अपनी बात नही रख

Indian Marriage Culture - Wedding Party Songs 2019-2020

Indian marriages are great fun to attend to, as they are forever resounding with the tunes of folk music and popular songs from Bollywood. In effect, Hindu weddings are a must visit for all the music and dance lovers. There are ample opportunities provided by the various ceremonies in Indian marriages for shaking a leg. According to the ceremonies and rituals, different songs are sung to suite the varied moods and expressions. Conveying the essence of the wedding, these songs vividly portray the rich culture of India. Whether you choose a band, DJ , or make a playlist yourself, with guests of all ages and preferences it can be hard to make sure everyone's enjoying themselves on the dance floor. Worrying about whether the music is good is the last thing anyone wants to do on their wedding day so we've selected the best songs for a wedding that will make sure everyone gets up out of their seat, hits the dance floor and has the time of their lives. However, for your co

14th Fab Valentine's Day

You know love is in the air, as soon as the Valentine's Day is ready to arrive. It is this time of the year when the adrenaline rush is at the highest level and the young hearts are fluttering with mushy feelings. The air smells sweet and there is romance in the surroundings, intoxicating the lovelorn couples. Such an environment compels everyone to fall in love and cherish the feeling of having someone special in their lives. Thus, what better time can you think of arranging your wedding?  However, if your wedding date does not fall in the month of February, there is nothing to be disappointed as you can always relive the occasion with the help of Valentine wedding theme. So, for all those who are getting married on 14th Feb and even if who are not, Valentine theme is the perfect way to celebrate the festival of love on your D day, with your soul mate. This particular theme does not require anything special and can be created with little creativity and imagination.  Now,

Indian Marriage Culture - Wedding Band Music

Music is known as the universal language of the heart and wedding is one of the most touching moments of life. It brings along mixed feelings of pleasure and pain that it becomes difficult to express oneself. At this point in time, music comes to rescue. The family members of both the bride and groom utilize this tool to express their feelings and celebrate the occasion. In Indian Hindu weddings, there are many rituals that take place throughout the five day long event.  In India, the wedding band music is basically a mixed bag as it contains traditional, folk and contemporary themes. There is an exclusive event dedicated to music which is known as Sangeet ceremony. During the ceremony, all the female friends, associates of the family gather and celebrate the occasion by singing traditional songs and dancing to rejoice. The songs sung at this point in time are basically based on the wedding life of the bride. Women tease the bride by cracking jokes about the groom and his

Indian Marriage Culture - Wedding Gifts

Indian weddings are known for their pomp and show. Guests are treated as gods and Indian weddings demonstrate it with added charm. In Hindu weddings, gifting forms an integral part of the ceremony. Both guests and hosts exchange gifts, in order to express their joy and gratitude. However, while choosing a gift for the couple, do keep in mind certain things like which party has invited you, the girls or the boys, your relation, your budget etc. When in a fix while choosing the gift, you can always opt to give cash as a token of love. Here are some  wedding gift ideas  that may come handy. For the Couple In a wedding, although the guests either hail from the bride’s side or from the groom’s side, it’s a fair idea to encompass both of them when it comes to the gift. That way one can convey their best wishes for the happy couple and be memorable to them together. Here are some ideas that work best in this scenario: Cash  – It is a long-standing tradition in India to present

Indian Marriage Culture - Love Marriage

Marriage marriages are not a new thing in Indian society. It has been practiced for centuries but the instances of love marriage in India are still low. In the last several decades the Indian society has undergone tremendous change - the social fabric of society has become more flexible and girls are treated equally to boys. As a result, the interaction between the opposite sex has increased considerably and this has contributed to the increased percentage of love marriages in the country. However, the phenomena remain restricted to urban and semi-urban areas. Though love marriages still do not enjoy the same respect and position in the society as arranged marriages, parents are becoming thoughtful of their children's feelings. The biggest reason for opposing a love marriage is caste or religion difference. This is because people are skeptical about marrying their kids in an alien cultural setting. In addition, there are other issues like economic standard, horoscope compatib

Arranged Marriage

In India, arranged marriages still remain the majorly preferred way for Indians to enter into matrimony. In case of an arranged marriage, parents and other relatives decide on a life partner that they deem suitable for their child. They keep in mind various factors, different for boys and girls while searching for a suitable match to attach their names with. It’s a tradition Indians find hard to part with. Even in the 21st Century, around 85 percent Indians prefer to marry the boy or girl chosen by their families, rather than choosing their life partners themselves. These statistics has revealed in a survey conducted by the Taj Group of Hotels. Another survey by IPSOS in 2013, revealed that 74% of young Indians, aged between 18-35 years said that they would rather let their parents choose their life partners than choosing themselves. The success rates of these arranged marriages when compared to the figures concerning love marriages, we might just realize that sticking to traditi